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Global 16-17


This lesson unit has been designed following the "Teacher Competences Course" in Chichester (UK),October 2016. This course belongs to the anual "Plan de Formación de Lenguas Extranjeras" of Comunidad de Madrid.

        It is also the result of a deep reflection on teaching and has been applied on a real group of Third ESO this academic year (November- January).

       This lesson unit is adressed to one topic: violence against women but it is 100% adaptable to any Global Classrooms (GC) topic.

        Here you can find, lesson by lesson, activities that you can use in the part of GC that belongs to Social Sciences lessons and also the materials needed.

All this project is taking into account the four Cs of a CLIL lesson: Content, Culture, Cognition and Communication.

Also, this project follows the idea of Bloom's Taxonomy where creating is the top learning activity. This is not just creating a speech or a position paper,  it's doing something that the student will use in the real world, outside the school.

Furthermore, Global Classrooms (GC) is crosscurricular: students need to research about Geography, Religion, Biology to understand, for example, what is AIDS and what is the link with violence against women.

The worst part: only 10 of them will go to the Conference that is held in CRIF Acacias at mid January.









Párrafo. Haz clic aquí para agregar tu propio texto y editar. Aquí puedes contar tu historia y permitir a tus usuarios saber más sobre ti.

LESSON 1. Back to the board: one student goes to the board and the teacher will write a word on it. The rest of the students has to explain the word until the student guess it.

This is a good intro to the topic. The teacher has to decide in advance the vocabulary. For example: domestic violence, female genital mutilation, honor killing, prenatal selection.

LESSON 2. Match your love: every student gets a word in a card (for example Female Genital). Then you have to find the colocation of the word joining your card with another student card (in this case Mutilation). Once all the couples are together, we will place them in a graph on the board, from the less harmful from women to the most.

Teacher will prepare the cards in advance and will correct the graph giving information (for example, misconceptions about masculinity and sexuality are potentially more harmful  because  they are the basis of violence).  

LESSON 3. PechaKucha 20x20: group presentation about each country but only with 20 slides and talking 20 seconds per slide. Now the topic is introduced, they need to research if Are these problems an issue in my country? PechaKucha format will force the student to speak direct (using only 20 seconds per slide). Control time is vital for Global Classrooms.

LESSON 4. Brainstorming about possible solutions. First in groups, writing the most important in Post-it and then, in common, in big group: in the blackboard the teacher will draw four circles: EDUCATION, LAW, SOCIETY, CULTURE. Students will place their ideas in one of the four groups justifying their answers. The teacher will conduct the discussion using the information of the article: “Addressing violence against women: a call to action, Lancet Series on Violence against Women (2014)" You can find it on Materials.





Class at Chichester University with  Professor Francisco Melara (The main part of the Teaching Competences Course)

Class at IES LEON FELIPE with  Assistant Alex Marian. Assistants are a good way to introduce CLIL in the school: what they learn in a subject can be used in another one.

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