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Global 16-17

LESSON 5.Running dictate. Each group have a text. One member of the group runs to the text and come back to dictate for the rest of the group. When the teacher claps, student running change. At the end they will complete a famous speech. Then, the student has to decide why is the speech so meaningful for the audience. I selected some memorable: Elisabeth I leading the army, Martin L. King  having a dream.... The aim of this activity is that they feel inspired and start writing an Opening Speech. You can check the extracts of the five speeches in Materials.

LESSON 6. Flow of debate and resolution. At this time students have been working on their Position Papers in English class and they should have also an Opening Speech. It's time now for FLOW OF DEBATE. You can explain it using some of the videos on Internet. Between all of them I have chosen two. The first one explains ROLL CALL, SPEAKERS LIST, MODERATED CAUCUS and UNMODERATED CAUCUS. The second one focus on RESOLUTIONS. 

LESSON 7. I agree to disagree. This lesson focuses on caucuses. It's important to teach the student to disagree in a polite way. For that I use a worksheet (in the folder Materials). First, individually they write sentences using expressions such as "I take your point but". Then, in pairs they practice them. Finally, the group divides in two and they create two circles: an inner circle, and facing them an outter circle. When the teacher claps they start talking about an issue in wich they must disagree. In first session you can use wáter cooler issues such us Regaeton vs. Rock music, Homework yes/ Homework no, El Rubius is funny vs boring, etc. Then in next session you can use the  GC topic  for example: there is no relation between levels of gender equality and levels of gender violence, honor killings are not as serious as other killings because they arise from long-standing tradition, in societies where there is a weak rule of law men must build fierce reputations, etc.   

LESSON 8. Acting: now they have the Opening Speech, the Position Paper and they know the Points and Motions of the Formal Debate they are ready for: forgetting everything! Why if they spend some sessions improving their non verbal language, their posture, their voices and tone and of course how to control nerves. I have experiences the nerves before a presentation, as a student in Chichester so now I can understand them. For this, in the material folder you can find different types of activities that will help your students to deliver a message that it's worth spreading. Now they are the delegates of Somalia, Italy, Mexico and they want to be listened because they have realised the world can be changed by citizens actions. And this is why Global Classrooms it's so worth it.

LESSON 9 Create a challenge

On 25th November we celebrate the Day for the elimination of violence against women. Taking advantage of that I asked the students to  participate in a challenge that reflects on the different types of violence. At that moment, manequin challenge was trending topic and they went for it without a doubt. This type of activity is useful for creating a feeling of group (more having into account that not everybody will be selected). It could be a challenge on social networks, but also a  conference of an specialist on the topic, an extracurricular activity that a museum or association organises (photo exhibition, drama, etc.) The topics are always on the spotlight. This is Global Classrooms:  connected to their reality.

LESSON 10: Mock conference!

Week before Xmas!

The best idea to check what the students have learnt is by organising a mock conference with students from other schools.

It's impressive how they had iimproved their oral skills and self-confidence. Furthermore, they adquire this global awareness that will change some of them forever.

 We make students for other courses (2nd grade) to see their classmates as a way to scaffold the Project.

The conference is perfect for having a real assestment for learning. In the next week in January  you can work with them based on what can be better and what went well.






Caucusing. Students from 3 different schools during the Mock Conference (IES LEON FELIPE).

Manequin challenge for the Elimination of violence against woman, students portraying domestic violence, set at Social Sciences  class, 25th November of 2016

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